8 ways to make your living room more elegant

Whether your home is spacious or small, size is important, but not too much as long as you feel warm home, right? Especially if you arrange your home exactly according to your thoughts and in accordance with your personality. However, getting a charming-look home with a small space is not easy to implement. In other words, a small house faces challenges and difficulties to look luxurious and deluxe.

Indeed, it is a matter of using art, cleverness and experience, together in a correct professional way. We are simply trying to give some tips about how to make your home, and the rooms inside, look bigger, sumptuous and super deluxe.

Today, we are talking about the living room, which is considered the most important spot in every home, and the main nook where every member of a family sits, takes rests and naps, works, entertains or even passes through repeatedly and permanently, day and night.

Let us now move on to presenting some brilliant tips for a better-look living room

1. It is preferred for living rooms to be the most spacious, well ventilated and painted with bright colors. On the other side, the furniture should be comfortable and practical with natural pleasant colors. 


2. It strongly helps the room look bigger if you choose the furniture with more seats and smaller or less sofas because, we often seek to choose luxurious furniture in the living room.

3. Use the minimum; avoid placing too many pieces or artifacts, the very complex ones, they can reflect a sense of pressure. Simple lines of the minimum of carefully selected furniture with some aesthetic functions will be enough.


4. Investing in furniture that serves many functions is a simple way to streamline a room. Storages of furniture are a very technical way to keep the spaces empty and let the daily things-in-use away from the eyeshot.

5. When it comes to making the living room looks bigger, the best-undisputed choice is the mirrors. It is capable of generating visual tricks that convey a greater sense of the wide extent of the room for those who are sitting in or watching.


6. The type of the wall coverings, hanging three-dimensional images and paintings, also drawing natural views on the walls, such these simple easy ways would definitely help giving a cool wider look.

7. Skip the dark-inducing curtains and leave your windows uncovered; reveal the natural landscape outside. This will trick your eyes into thinking that you are not inside a mere room.    8. Finally, for making the living room more elegant; try to give your favorite items a little structure by arranging by color and height. This will turn a potential clutter disaster into a streamlined display a line with your personality.


Hope this is useful and thanks for reading 

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